Keep in mind that the seminal fluid is composed mostly of water and if you don’t have enough of it, your ejaculate will be quite low in amount and may also not taste good. So, make sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day. It will not only remove the toxins in your body and Make Cum Taste Better but it will also increase your semen volume making sex more pleasurable.
The Real Reason Guys Want Their Semen To Taste Better
First, let's understand the real motive we likely share in wanting to have our Make Cum Taste Better . Namely, that we want our partners to be even more receptive to it and enjoy it more themselves. That my friend is my motivation and I'm quite certain that it is likely yours too. I trust I don't have to go into any graphic detail as to what I'm talking about and your imagination may even be more vivid than mine!
Better Tasting Semen Is Simple Matter Of Replacement
You don't have to rid them from your diet altogether but you'll certainly want to avoid them days prior to any activity you expect to involve the taste of your semen. This goes for garlic as well. Feel free to enjoy these foods at other times. Isn't that a small price to pay for the sheer joy of having your partner enjoy your semen more?
Even Better Than Pineapple Juice For Sweetening Semen
You may have heard that pineapple juice works wonders for making your semen taste better
? Well, let’s take that one step better. Skip the pineapple juice and go for fresh pineapple! You know the real thing. That is the secret to making your semen taste
sweet to your partner. Sure, pineapple juice is OK but that usually comes in a can andtastes like tin can. If you want to taste great and have your partner crave more semen, eat real pineapple on a regular basis. It tastes great and so will you!
Cinnamon is especially recommended to make semen taste better . So, incorporate it in your regular diet. Another food that is considered to make it sweeter is pineapple juice. The juice is not only believed to improve the taste of your semen but is also considered to improve its smell. So, don’t forget to include pineapple juice in your diet.
The taste of semen is definitely an acquired taste. Some women love it, while others purely detest it and refuse to swallow. The main complaint is that semen tastes quite bitter. Some women describe the taste as bleach with a hint of salt. This makes swallowing a major turn-off for some women. However, all is not lost! There is a way to make your semen taste better . By doing this, your woman is more likely to not only swallow during a blow-job, but actually enjoy it.
You are what you eat!
The body secretes many different fluids. Saliva, urine, semen and sweat are all examples of these. All of these fluids are affected by what we eat. The flavor and smell will depend on the kinds of food you eat. If you want to make your cum taste better, pay attention to your diet. Avoiding food such as curries onions, garlic and other spices will improve the taste of your semen .
You can learn How To Make Your Cum Taste Better by changing your diet. Cut down on alcohol, junk food, drugs and cigarettes. Reduce your intake of foods that have a strong taste or smell that can be excreted by the body. Some fruits and vegetables are okay, but they are not all recommended. Bad vegetables include asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, kale, garlic, and onion-all of which contain a lot of sulfur that make the taste of cum bitter.
Altering your diet will have a huge impact on the taste of your semen , as well as other secretions. Even though there are supplements that are on the market that claim to make your cum tastes better, but these tend to be quite awful tasting from all accounts. If you are serious about changing the flavor, nothing beats clean living and a healthy diet. You can learn How To Make Cum Taste Better by avoiding these vegetables. Cut down on curry that adds a flavor to cum.
Eating all the above foods will make your cum taste better, but it needs to be over time. There's no use eating a lot of lemon-flavored vegetables washed down with a gallon of pineapple juice at dinner if you expect oral sex afterwards. It is important to give your body time to excrete all the bad tasting food, so make sure you give yourself at least 24 hours of eating the right foods to see any improvement. If you can master all this, your partner will definitely appreciate it. Best of all, she is much more likely to give you a great blow job with the aim of swallowing!